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Kees Lieve (Professional - CTP)
Telephone | +31 10 2121922 |
Mobile | +31 6 53156343 |
Website |
Steupelstraat 50, 3065
JE Rotterdam
1981 Master of Science Business Administration
1986 -1991 Managing director of Blaercom Participations, a private equity company which had a focus on companies in turnaround situations.
1988 – present: member of several supervisory boards
1989 – present: Founding partner of Kruger
Kruger specializes in support of medium-sized companies (20-2000 employees).
The company has a leading market position in the Dutch restructuring market and is for instance recommended by almost every Dutch financial institution to their business relations.
Kruger also provides interim management, particularly in restructuring situations and performs corporate finance activities, many of which in restructuring situations.
Areas of Expertise:
- Restructuring consultancy
- Interim management
- Corporate Finance
- Boardroom Adviser
Countries of Jurisdictional Expertise:
- Netherlands
Member of EACTP since 26 January 2016