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Ton Moonen (Professional - CTP)
Telephone | +31102121922 |
Mobile | +31654385028 |
Website |
Steupelstraat 50
3065JE Rotterdam
The Netherlands
Since 1999 at Kruger. Before that he was working for 10 years at various financial institutions. His last position was that of head of restructuring and recovery at NMB-Heller.
Kruger has a leading market position in the Dutch restructuring market and is for instance recommended by almost every Dutch financial institution to their business relations.
Kruger also provides interim management, particularly in restructuring situations and performs corporate finance activities, many of which in restructuring situations.
Areas of Expertise:
- Restructuring
- Recovery
- Insolvency
- Strategy
- Financial Institutes
- Accounting
- Financing
- M & A
- Debt Advisory
- Private equity
- Cash Management
- Healthcare
- IT
- Retail
- Construction
- Real Estate
- Transports / logistics
- Marine
- Oil / Gas / Energy
- Private owend companies
Country/Countries of Expertise:
- United Kingdom
- Germany
- Belgium
- France
- Luxemburg
- Czech Republic
- Malta
Member of EACTP since 07 January 2017